Add Images to PDF

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Add Images to PDF

Indigo PDF makes it easy to add images to a PDF document. Here’s how you can add an image to a PDF using Indigo PDF:

  1. Open PDF for Image Addition:
    • Use the application’s file selection or upload feature to choose the PDF document to which you want to add an image. The selected PDF will load on the screen.
  2. Browse Images from Local Storage:
    • Once the PDF is loaded, a new section will appear, allowing you to browse images from your local storage. Select the image you want to add to the PDF.
  3. Position the Image:
    • After selecting the image, you can position it where you want on the PDF page. Use the application’s tools to move, resize, and adjust the image’s placement to your liking.
  4. Save the PDF with the Added Image:
    • Once you’ve positioned the image as desired, click the “Download PDF” or “Save” button. This action will save the PDF with the newly added image in the chosen location.
  5. Confirmation:
    • You will receive confirmation that the PDF has been successfully updated with the added image. The PDF is now ready for use or distribution.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly incorporate images into a PDF document using Indigo PDF, enabling you to enhance and customize your PDF files with visual content.