Add Watermark

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Add Watermark

To add a watermark to a PDF using Indigo PDF, follow these steps:

  1. Select PDF to Add Watermark:
    • Use the application’s file selection or upload feature to choose the PDF file to which you want to add a watermark.
  2. Choose Watermark Type:
    • Indicate the type of watermark you want to add. You can choose either text or an image.
  3. Configure Watermark Settings:
    • If you choose Text:
      • Alphabet: Select the alphabet style you prefer for the watermark. Options may include Roman, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese.
      • Watermark Text: Enter the text you want to appear as the watermark.
      • Font Size: Set the font size for the watermark text.
      • Opacity (0% – 100%): Adjust the transparency of the watermark. A higher percentage makes it more visible, while a lower percentage makes it more transparent.
      • Rotation (0-360): Choose the angle at which you want the watermark to be rotated.
      • Width Spacer: Specify the space between each watermark horizontally.
      • Height Spacer: Set the space between each watermark vertically.
    • If you choose Image:
      • Upload Image: Provide the image file you want to use as the watermark.
      • Opacity (0% – 100%): Adjust the transparency of the watermark image.
      • Rotation (0-360): Specify the rotation angle for the watermark image.
      • Width Spacer: Set the space between each watermark horizontally.
      • Height Spacer: Define the space between each watermark vertically.
  4. Apply Watermark:
    • After configuring the watermark settings, apply the watermark to the PDF document.
  5. Save the Watermarked PDF:
    • Save the watermarked PDF by clicking a “Save” or “Download” button. Choose a destination folder and provide a name for the watermarked PDF file if needed.
  6. Confirmation:
    • You will receive confirmation that the watermark has been successfully added to the PDF. The watermarked PDF is now saved with your specified settings.

By following these steps, you can easily add a watermark, whether it’s text or an image, to your PDF document using Indigo PDF. Watermarks can be used for branding, security, and document identification.